Product and tariff list 

From the moment you start producing or importing electronic appliances and/or energy saving lamps and put them on the Dutch market, you as a company are responsible for collection and recycling of those appliances at their end of life. Stichting OPEN is a collective collection scheme that can take over this responsibility.

To pay for the collection and recycling, there will be charged a recycling fee while reporting your put on market. The total chargeable recycling fee depends on the type of product and the amount or weight you put on market.

All tariffs are exluding VAT.
(In case you are not a producer and/or importer, this tariff list does not apply to you)

Overview of year:
EEE category Category name
EEE-01 Temperature exchange equipment
Product code Product name Product foundation Tariff
E1/01 Cooling and freezing appliances (household) Foundation OPEN € 0,3540 / kg
E1/02 Tumble dryers (with heat pump) Foundation OPEN € 2,6070 / piece
E1/03 Air conditioners (separate) Foundation OPEN € 2,4240 / piece
E1/04 Air conditioners (built-in) and heat pumps Foundation OPEN € 0,0150 / kg
E1/05 Cooling and freezing appliances (professional) Foundation OPEN € 0,1500 / kg
E1/06 Vending machines (refrigerated) Foundation OPEN € 1,6000 / kg
EEE-02 Screens, monitors, and equipment containing screens having a surface greater than 100 cm²
Product code Product name Product foundation Tariff
E2/01 TV's and displays (flatscreen) Foundation OPEN € 0,4500 / kg
E2/02 Monitors (flatscreen) Foundation OPEN € 0,2200 / kg
E2/03 Laptops Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
E2/04 Tablets and navigation systems Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
EEE-03 Lamps
Product code Product name Product foundation Tariff
E3/04 LED lamps (incl. LED TL) Foundation OPEN € 0,0500 / piece
E3/05 Energy saving and gas discharge lamps Foundation OPEN € 0,1400 / piece
E3/06 TL lights (excl. LED TL) Foundation OPEN € 0,1400 / piece
EEE-04 Large equipment (any external dimension more than 50 cm)
Product code Product name Product foundation Tariff
E4/01 Extraction hoods - households  Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/02 Barbecues, grills and cooking plates (> 50 cm) - households Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/03 Microwaves and ovens (> 50 cm) - households Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/04 Stoves - households Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/05 Dishwashers - households Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/06 Washing machines Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/07 Tumble dryers (without heat pump) Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/08 Household, kitchen and personal care appliances (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/09 Vacuum and floor cleaners (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/10 Central heating, boilers and geysers (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,0400 / kg
E4/11 Sunbeds Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/12 Ventilation, recirculation and air treatment installations (> 50 cm | >150 m³/hour) Foundation OPEN € 0,0800 / kg
E4/13 Ventilation, recirculation and air treatment installations (>50 cm | ≤150 m³/uur) Foundation OPEN € 0,0800 / kg
E4/14 Ventilation, recirculation and heating appliances (> 50 cm | separate) Foundation OPEN € 3,5110 / piece
E4/15 Hot water and heating appliances (> 50 cm | built-in) Foundation OPEN € 0,2000 / kg
E4/16 Professional kitchen appliances (non-refrigerated) Foundation OPEN € 0,0300 / kg
E4/17 Vending machines (non-refrigerated) Foundation OPEN € 0,1100 / kg
E4/18 Fabric processing appliances (>50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 2,4000 / kg
E4/19 Electric musical instruments (>50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1000 / kg
E4/20 Electric toys, leisure and sports appliances (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1000 / kg
E4/21 Medical appliances (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,2500 / kg
E4/22 Measuring and control appliances (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,0100 / kg
E4/23 Audio and video appliances (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,4500 / kg
E4/24 IT and office appliances (> 50 cm | household) Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
E4/25 IT and office appliances (> 50 cm | professional) Foundation OPEN € 0,0180 / kg
E4/26 Luminaires for fluorescent, energy saving, gas discharge lamps (> 750 grams) Foundation OPEN € 0,1900 / piece
E4/27 Luminaires with integrated LED (> 750 grams) Foundation OPEN € 0,1900 / piece
E4/28 Luminaires for convertible LED (> 750 grams) Foundation OPEN € 0,1900 / piece
E4/29 Electric tools (> 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1900 / kg
E4/32 Solar panels Foundation OPEN € 0,0400 / kg
E4/33 Electric bikes (not type-approved) Foundation OPEN € 0,0300 / kg
E4/34 Open Scope equipment (> 50 cm | without a primary electrical function) Foundation OPEN € 0,2400 / kg
EEE-05 Small equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)
Product code Product name Product foundation Tariff
E5/01 Barbecues, grills and cooking plates (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1720 / piece
E5/02 Microwaves and ovens (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1720 / piece
E5/03 Household, kitchen and personal care appliances (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1720 / piece
E5/04 Vacuum and floor cleaners (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1720 / piece
E5/05 Central heating, boilers and geysers (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1800 / kg
E5/06 Ventilation, recirculation and air treatment installations (<= 50 cm | <= 150 m³/hour) Foundation OPEN € 0,0800 / kg
E5/07 Ventilation, recirculation and air treatment installations (<= 50 cm | > 150 m³/hour) Foundation OPEN € 0,0800 / kg
E5/08 Ventilation, recirculation and heating appliances (<= 50 cm | separate) Foundation OPEN € 0,1720 / piece
E5/09 Hot water and heating appliances (<= 50 cm | built-in) Foundation OPEN € 0,1050 / kg
E5/10 Fabric processing appliances (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 1,0000 / kg
E5/11 Electric musical instruments (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,6400 / kg
E5/12 Game computers Foundation OPEN € 0,0200 / kg
E5/13 Electric toys, leisure and sports appliances (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1000 / kg
E5/14 Medical appliances (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1800 / kg
E5/15 Measuring and control appliances incl. detectors, sensors and switches (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,0600 / kg
E5/16 Audio and video appliances (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,4500 / kg
E5/17 Luminaires for fluorescent, energy saving, gas discharge lamps (<= 750 grams) Foundation OPEN € 0,0500 / piece
E5/18 Luminaires with integrated LED (<= 750 grams) Foundation OPEN € 0,0500 / piece
E5/19 Luminaires for convertible LED (<= 750 grams) Foundation OPEN € 0,0500 / piece
E5/20 Electric tools (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,1900 / kg
E5/22 Open Scope equipment (<= 50 cm | without a primary electrical function) Foundation OPEN € 0,0300 / kg
EEE-06 Small IT and telecommunication equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm)
Product code Product name Product foundation Tariff
E6/01 Mobile phones Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
E6/02 Desktop computers (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
E6/03 Printers and scanners (<= 50 cm) Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
E6/04 IT and office appliances (<= 50 cm | household) Foundation OPEN € 0,0740 / kg
E6/05 IT and office appliances (<= 50 cm | professional) Foundation OPEN € 0,0180 / kg
Do you have questions about the products and tariffs?

Please contact the department of Producer Services by e-mail or by phone number +31 79 7600 630.

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